When it Comes to Your Freedom,
You Can't Afford to Gamble

Our Victories

14601.2 San Bernardino Case

Verdict: Charge Dismissed License suspended because of DUI, driving on suspended license charge dismissed, no jail, entered plea to 12500 infraction, no points on driving record.

1st offense .16/.16 breath

Verdict: DUI dismissed Entered plea to wet reckless, DMV hearing set aside – client did not suffer any license suspension.

1st offense out of Redlands

Verdict: DUI Dismissed .125% pas, .12/.12 Breath, ran stop sign – DUI Dismissed – entered plea to wet reckless. No additional fine, no requirement of community service, work release or jail time.

2nd DUI accident with a BAC of .22 and a violation of probation

Verdict: DUI Dismissed Client entered plea to exhibition of speed with only a $500 fine

2nd DUI accident with a BAC of .22 and a violation of probation

Verdict: DUI Dismissed Client entered plea to exhibition of speed with only a $500 fine

2nd offense out of San Bernardino

Verdict: Reduced to 1st Offense Stopped for weaving – prior out of Napa from 2011, .203/.203 pas, .23 blood, entered plea to 1 st offense with normal DUI terms. No work release, no jail time, no community service.

2nd offense Rancho Cucamonga DUI

Verdict: Rancho Cucamonga case with collision, .20 blood – entered plea to 1st offense with no jail time, no work release and no community service.

2nd offense San Bernardino case

Verdict: Probation 2nd offense case with separate 14601 case, 14601 case completely dismissed, no jail time, admit and reinstate on prior, base fine for a 1 st offense, 3 years of informal probation.

Big Bear Drunk in Public

Verdict: Case dismissed

Chino 1st Offense

Verdict: Entered Plea to Wet and Reckless Client in nursing school – speeding and weaving – .118/.104 PAS, .11 Blood – entered plea to wet reckless.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs and Child Endangerment

Verdict: School bus driver, charged Health and Safety Code Section 11550, with mandatory 90 days jail, for an accident with kids on school bus, tested positive for methamphetamine, oxycodone and marijuana; jury trial with the result of a hung jury

Drunk in Public

Verdict: Community Service Drunk in public and petty theft case out of Big Bear – case dismissed after completion of 60 hours of community service. Client is in process of acquiring EMT license and a conviction would have severely crippled his career path.


Verdict: Reduced to Reckless Driving


Verdict: Case reduced to Wet Reckless Lake Arrowhead, Contractor, .16/.15 Breath – No Front Plate/Expired Tags – Case reduced to Wet Reckless, No license suspension from conviction, no jail time, no community service, no work release. DUI Conviction would have resulted in potential loss of contractor’s license.

DUI client with a BAC of .19

Verdict: DUI charges dismissed, Pled guilty to speeding

DUI Client with a BAC of .24

Verdict: DUI Dismissed Client entered plea to reduced charge of reckless driving

DUI client with BAC of .10

Verdict: DUI charges Dismissed Not guilty on B count. DMV hearing overturned. Client entered plea to speeding infraction

First Offense DUI

Verdict: Not-guilty verdict at jury trial

First Offense DUI with .13% BAC

Verdict: Reduced to Wet Reckless, no jail time, low fine

First Offense DUI with .15% BAC

Verdict: Won DMV hearing

First Offense DUI with .17% BAC

Verdict: Won DMV hearing, license reinstated and no suspension

First Offense DUI with .18% BAC

Verdict: Reduced to Drunk in Public, no jail time , no fine

First Offense DUI with .23% BAC

Verdict: Reduced to Drunk in Public

Fourth Offense DUI

Verdict: Kept it to a misdemeanor with alternative sentencing

Misdemeanor Hit and Run & Battery

Verdict: Reduced to PC 415 infraction of Disturbing the Peace

Misdemeanor Speed Contest

Verdict: Reduced to a loud exhaust infraction

Misdemeanor Speed Contest

Verdict: Reduced to infraction

Rancho Cucamonga Public Intoxication

Verdict: Case dismissed

Reckless Driving

Verdict: Reduced to loud exhaust infraction, no points on

Reckless Driving and Driving on a suspended License with a violation of probation for reckless driving and evading

Verdict: All misdemeanor charges dismissed Answered ready for trial. All misdemeanor charges dismissed. No violation of probation. Entered plea to infraction.

San Bernardino 1st offense

Verdict: Wet and Reckless Plea Client was a nurse who faced a suspension by the board, .120/.121 PAS, .11 Blood, dispatch to collision – entered plea to wet reckless.

San Bernardino CHP case

Verdict: DUI Dismissed San Bernardino CHP case, radar at 85 mph, PAS results of .095% and .097%, blood results of .07%, administrative set aside through DMV, DUI Dismissed. Entered plea to infraction vc 22350 with $490 total fine. Travels between Canada and US with dual residency – saved any potential issues with crossing the border.

Second Offense DUI

Verdict: Reduced to Wet Reckless, no jail time

Second Offense DUI

Verdict: Dismissed

Second Offense DUI with .17% BAC

Verdict: Case dismissed

Sexual Battery

Verdict: Verdict: Not Guilty on All Charges

Third Offense DUI with .13% BAC

Verdict: No jail time

Third Offense DUI with Enhancements

Verdict: Reduced to Wet Reckless with no jail time

Under 21 DUI

Verdict: DUI charges dismissed Yucaipa case, under 21, dispatch to collision with parked car, PAS test .071, Breath results of .07, DUI charges dismissed, entered plea to dry reckless resulting in $1452.00 fine and 3 years informal probation – no subsequent license suspension, no required alcohol program.

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                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:51:28
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:51:28
                    [post_content] => Charge Dismissed

License suspended because of DUI, driving on suspended license charge dismissed, no jail, entered plea to 12500 infraction, no points on driving record.
                    [post_title] => 14601.2 San Bernardino Case
                    [post_excerpt] => 
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                    [ID] => 1329
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:51:11
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:51:11
                    [post_content] => DUI dismissed

Entered plea to wet reckless, DMV hearing set aside – client did not suffer any license suspension.
                    [post_title] => 1st offense .16/.16 breath
                    [post_excerpt] => 
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                    [comment_status] => closed
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                    [ID] => 1328
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:50:47
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:50:47
                    [post_content] => DUI Dismissed

.125% pas, .12/.12 Breath, ran stop sign – DUI Dismissed – entered plea to wet reckless. No additional fine, no requirement of community service, work release or jail time.
                    [post_title] => 1st offense out of Redlands
                    [post_excerpt] => 
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                    [ID] => 1312
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:46:03
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:46:03
                    [post_content] => DUI Dismissed

Client entered plea to exhibition of speed with only a $500 fine
                    [post_title] => 2nd DUI accident with a BAC of .22 and a violation of probation
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
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                    [post_name] => 2nd-dui-accident-with-a-bac-of-22-and-a-violation-of-probation
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                    [ID] => 1327
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:50:28
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:50:28
                    [post_content] => DUI Dismissed

Client entered plea to exhibition of speed with only a $500 fine
                    [post_title] => 2nd DUI accident with a BAC of .22 and a violation of probation
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
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                    [post_name] => 2nd-dui-accident-with-a-bac-of-22-and-a-violation-of-probation-2
                    [to_ping] => 
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                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:50:28
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:50:28
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            [5] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1326
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:50:06
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:50:06
                    [post_content] => Reduced to 1st Offense

Stopped for weaving – prior out of Napa from 2011, .203/.203 pas, .23 blood, entered plea to 1 st offense with normal DUI terms. No work release, no jail time, no community service.
                    [post_title] => 2nd offense out of San Bernardino
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => 2nd-offense-out-of-san-bernardino
                    [to_ping] => 
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                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:50:06
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:50:06
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            [6] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1325
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:49:48
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:49:48
                    [post_content] => Rancho Cucamonga case with collision, .20 blood – entered plea to 1st offense with no jail time, no work release and no community service.
                    [post_title] => 2nd offense Rancho Cucamonga DUI
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
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                    [post_name] => 2nd-offense-rancho-cucamonga-dui
                    [to_ping] => 
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                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:49:48
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:49:48
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            [7] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1324
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:49:28
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:49:28
                    [post_content] => Probation

2nd offense case with separate 14601 case, 14601 case completely dismissed, no jail time, admit and reinstate on prior, base fine for a 1 st offense, 3 years of informal probation.
                    [post_title] => 2nd offense San Bernardino case
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
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                    [post_name] => 2nd-offense-san-bernardino-case
                    [to_ping] => 
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                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:49:28
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:49:28
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            [8] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1323
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:49:02
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:49:02
                    [post_content] => Case dismissed
                    [post_title] => Big Bear Drunk in Public
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => big-bear-drunk-in-public
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:49:02
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:49:02
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                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1323
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            [9] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1322
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:48:29
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:48:29
                    [post_content] => Entered Plea to Wet and Reckless

Client in nursing school – speeding and weaving – .118/.104 PAS, .11 Blood – entered plea to wet reckless.
                    [post_title] => Chino 1st Offense
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => chino-1st-offense
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:48:29
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:48:29
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
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                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1322
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            [10] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1310
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:45:39
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:45:39
                    [post_content] => School bus driver, charged Health and Safety Code Section 11550, with mandatory 90 days jail, for an accident with kids on school bus, tested positive for methamphetamine, oxycodone and marijuana; jury trial with the result of a hung jury
                    [post_title] => Driving Under the Influence of Drugs and Child Endangerment
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => driving-under-the-influence-of-drugs-and-child-endangerment
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:45:39
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:45:39
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1310
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
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                    [filter] => raw

            [11] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1320
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:48:10
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:48:10
                    [post_content] => Community Service

Drunk in public and petty theft case out of Big Bear – case dismissed after completion of 60 hours of community service. Client is in process of acquiring EMT license and a conviction would have severely crippled his career path.
                    [post_title] => Drunk in Public
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => drunk-in-public
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:48:10
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:48:10
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1320
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
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                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [12] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1309
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:45:09
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:45:09
                    [post_content] => Reduced to Reckless Driving
                    [post_title] => DUI
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => dui
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:45:09
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:45:09
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1309
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
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                    [filter] => raw

            [13] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1319
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:47:48
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:47:48
                    [post_content] => Case reduced to Wet Reckless

Lake Arrowhead, Contractor, .16/.15 Breath – No Front Plate/Expired Tags – Case reduced to Wet Reckless, No license suspension from conviction, no jail time, no community service, no work release. DUI Conviction would have resulted in potential loss of contractor’s license.
                    [post_title] => DUI
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => dui-2
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:47:48
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:47:48
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1319
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [14] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1308
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:44:46
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:44:46
                    [post_content] => DUI charges dismissed, Pled guilty to speeding
                    [post_title] => DUI client with a BAC of .19
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => dui-client-with-a-bac-of-19
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:44:46
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:44:46
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1308
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                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
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                    [filter] => raw

            [15] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1306
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:44:18
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:44:18
                    [post_content] => DUI Dismissed

Client entered plea to reduced charge of reckless driving
                    [post_title] => DUI Client with a BAC of .24
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => dui-client-with-a-bac-of-24
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:44:26
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:44:26
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                    [post_parent] => 0
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                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [16] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1305
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:43:58
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:43:58
                    [post_content] => DUI charges Dismissed

Not guilty on B count. DMV hearing overturned. Client entered plea to speeding infraction
                    [post_title] => DUI client with BAC of .10
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => dui-client-with-bac-of-10
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:43:58
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:43:58
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                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [17] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1304
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:43:35
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:43:35
                    [post_content] => Not-guilty verdict at jury trial
                    [post_title] => First Offense DUI
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => first-offense-dui
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:43:35
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:43:35
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
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                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [18] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1302
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:41:46
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:41:46
                    [post_content] => Reduced to Wet Reckless, no jail time, low fine
                    [post_title] => First Offense DUI with .13% BAC
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => first-offense-dui-with-13-bac
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:41:46
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:41:46
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
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                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [19] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1301
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:41:23
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:41:23
                    [post_content] => Won DMV hearing
                    [post_title] => First Offense DUI with .15% BAC
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => first-offense-dui-with-15-bac
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:41:23
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:41:23
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1301
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                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [20] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1299
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:41:04
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:41:04
                    [post_content] => Won DMV hearing, license reinstated and no suspension
                    [post_title] => First Offense DUI with .17% BAC
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => first-offense-dui-with-17-bac
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:41:04
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:41:04
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
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                    [post_type] => victories
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                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [21] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1298
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:40:34
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:40:34
                    [post_content] => Reduced to Drunk in Public, no jail time , no fine
                    [post_title] => First Offense DUI with .18% BAC
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => first-offense-dui-with-18-bac
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:40:34
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:40:34
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
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                    [menu_order] => 0
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                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [22] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1296
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:40:08
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:40:08
                    [post_content] => Reduced to Drunk in Public
                    [post_title] => First Offense DUI with .23% BAC
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => first-offense-dui-with-23-bac
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:40:08
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:40:08
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1296
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [23] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1295
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:39:46
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:39:46
                    [post_content] => Kept it to a misdemeanor with alternative sentencing
                    [post_title] => Fourth Offense DUI
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => fourth-offense-dui
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:39:46
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:39:46
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1295
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [24] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1294
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:39:23
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:39:23
                    [post_content] => Reduced to PC 415 infraction of Disturbing the Peace
                    [post_title] => Misdemeanor Hit and Run & Battery
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => misdemeanor-hit-and-run-battery
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:39:23
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:39:23
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1294
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [25] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1287
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:38:36
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:38:36
                    [post_content] => Reduced to a loud exhaust infraction
                    [post_title] => Misdemeanor Speed Contest
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => misdemeanor-speed-contest
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:38:36
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:38:36
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1287
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [26] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1293
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:38:56
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:38:56
                    [post_content] => Reduced to infraction
                    [post_title] => Misdemeanor Speed Contest
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => misdemeanor-speed-contest-2
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:38:56
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:38:56
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1293
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [27] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1317
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:47:28
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:47:28
                    [post_content] => Case dismissed
                    [post_title] => Rancho Cucamonga Public Intoxication
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => rancho-cucamonga-public-intoxication
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:47:28
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:47:28
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1317
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [28] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1286
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:31:22
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:31:22
                    [post_content] => Reduced to loud exhaust infraction, no points on
                    [post_title] => Reckless Driving
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => reckless-driving
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:31:22
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:31:22
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1286
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [29] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1285
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:30:59
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:30:59
                    [post_content] => All misdemeanor charges dismissed

Answered ready for trial. All misdemeanor charges dismissed. No violation of probation. Entered plea to infraction.
                    [post_title] => Reckless Driving and Driving on a suspended License with a violation of probation for reckless driving and evading
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => reckless-driving-and-driving-on-a-suspended-license-with-a-violation-of-probation-for-reckless-driving-and-evading
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:30:59
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:30:59
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1285
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [30] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1316
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:47:11
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:47:11
                    [post_content] => Wet and Reckless Plea

Client was a nurse who faced a suspension by the board, .120/.121 PAS, .11 Blood, dispatch to collision – entered plea to wet reckless.
                    [post_title] => San Bernardino 1st offense
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => san-bernardino-1st-offense
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:47:11
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:47:11
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1316
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [31] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1315
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:46:54
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:46:54
                    [post_content] => DUI Dismissed

San Bernardino CHP case, radar at 85 mph, PAS results of .095% and .097%, blood results of .07%, administrative set aside through DMV, DUI Dismissed. Entered plea to infraction vc 22350 with $490 total fine. Travels between Canada and US with dual residency – saved any potential issues with crossing the border.
                    [post_title] => San Bernardino CHP case
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => san-bernardino-chp-case
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:46:54
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:46:54
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1315
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [32] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1282
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:30:18
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:30:18
                    [post_content] => Reduced to Wet Reckless, no jail time
                    [post_title] => Second Offense DUI
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => second-offense-dui
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:30:18
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:30:18
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1282
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [33] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1284
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:30:33
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:30:33
                    [post_content] => Dismissed
                    [post_title] => Second Offense DUI
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => second-offense-dui-2
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:30:33
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:30:33
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1284
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [34] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1281
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:29:56
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:29:56
                    [post_content] => Case dismissed
                    [post_title] => Second Offense DUI with .17% BAC
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => second-offense-dui-with-17-bac
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:29:56
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:29:56
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1281
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [35] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 2010
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2021-10-27 17:21:09
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2021-10-27 17:21:09
                    [post_content] => Verdict: Not Guilty on All Charges
                    [post_title] => Sexual Battery
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => sexual-battery
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2021-10-27 17:21:09
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2021-10-27 17:21:09
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=2010
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [36] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1280
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:29:37
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:29:37
                    [post_content] => No jail time
                    [post_title] => Third Offense DUI with .13% BAC
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => third-offense-dui-with-13-bac
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:29:37
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:29:37
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1280
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [37] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1279
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:29:04
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:29:04
                    [post_content] => Reduced to Wet Reckless with no jail time
                    [post_title] => Third Offense DUI with Enhancements
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => third-offense-dui-with-enhancements
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:29:14
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:29:14
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1279
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [38] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1313
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:46:29
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:46:29
                    [post_content] => DUI charges dismissed

Yucaipa case, under 21, dispatch to collision with parked car, PAS test .071, Breath results of .07, DUI charges dismissed, entered plea to dry reckless resulting in $1452.00 fine and 3 years informal probation – no subsequent license suspension, no required alcohol program.
                    [post_title] => Under 21 DUI
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => under-21-dui
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:46:29
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:46:29
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1313
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw


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    [post] => WP_Post Object
            [ID] => 1330
            [post_author] => 7
            [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:51:28
            [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:51:28
            [post_content] => Charge Dismissed

License suspended because of DUI, driving on suspended license charge dismissed, no jail, entered plea to 12500 infraction, no points on driving record.
            [post_title] => 14601.2 San Bernardino Case
            [post_excerpt] => 
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14601.2 San Bernardino Case

Verdict: Charge Dismissed License suspended because of DUI, driving on suspended license charge dismissed, no jail, entered plea to 12500 infraction, no points on driving record.

1st offense .16/.16 breath

Verdict: DUI dismissed Entered plea to wet reckless, DMV hearing set aside – client did not suffer any license suspension.

1st offense out of Redlands

Verdict: DUI Dismissed .125% pas, .12/.12 Breath, ran stop sign – DUI Dismissed – entered plea to wet reckless. No additional fine, no requirement of community service, work release or jail time.

2nd DUI accident with a BAC of .22 and a violation of probation

Verdict: DUI Dismissed Client entered plea to exhibition of speed with only a $500 fine

2nd DUI accident with a BAC of .22 and a violation of probation

Verdict: DUI Dismissed Client entered plea to exhibition of speed with only a $500 fine

2nd offense out of San Bernardino

Verdict: Reduced to 1st Offense Stopped for weaving – prior out of Napa from 2011, .203/.203 pas, .23 blood, entered plea to 1 st offense with normal DUI terms. No work release, no jail time, no community service.

2nd offense Rancho Cucamonga DUI

Verdict: Rancho Cucamonga case with collision, .20 blood – entered plea to 1st offense with no jail time, no work release and no community service.

2nd offense San Bernardino case

Verdict: Probation 2nd offense case with separate 14601 case, 14601 case completely dismissed, no jail time, admit and reinstate on prior, base fine for a 1 st offense, 3 years of informal probation.

Big Bear Drunk in Public

Verdict: Case dismissed

Chino 1st Offense

Verdict: Entered Plea to Wet and Reckless Client in nursing school – speeding and weaving – .118/.104 PAS, .11 Blood – entered plea to wet reckless.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs and Child Endangerment

Verdict: School bus driver, charged Health and Safety Code Section 11550, with mandatory 90 days jail, for an accident with kids on school bus, tested positive for methamphetamine, oxycodone and marijuana; jury trial with the result of a hung jury

Drunk in Public

Verdict: Community Service Drunk in public and petty theft case out of Big Bear – case dismissed after completion of 60 hours of community service. Client is in process of acquiring EMT license and a conviction would have severely crippled his career path.


Verdict: Reduced to Reckless Driving


Verdict: Case reduced to Wet Reckless Lake Arrowhead, Contractor, .16/.15 Breath – No Front Plate/Expired Tags – Case reduced to Wet Reckless, No license suspension from conviction, no jail time, no community service, no work release. DUI Conviction would have resulted in potential loss of contractor’s license.

DUI client with a BAC of .19

Verdict: DUI charges dismissed, Pled guilty to speeding

DUI Client with a BAC of .24

Verdict: DUI Dismissed Client entered plea to reduced charge of reckless driving

DUI client with BAC of .10

Verdict: DUI charges Dismissed Not guilty on B count. DMV hearing overturned. Client entered plea to speeding infraction

First Offense DUI

Verdict: Not-guilty verdict at jury trial

First Offense DUI with .13% BAC

Verdict: Reduced to Wet Reckless, no jail time, low fine

First Offense DUI with .15% BAC

Verdict: Won DMV hearing

First Offense DUI with .17% BAC

Verdict: Won DMV hearing, license reinstated and no suspension

First Offense DUI with .18% BAC

Verdict: Reduced to Drunk in Public, no jail time , no fine

First Offense DUI with .23% BAC

Verdict: Reduced to Drunk in Public

Fourth Offense DUI

Verdict: Kept it to a misdemeanor with alternative sentencing

Misdemeanor Hit and Run & Battery

Verdict: Reduced to PC 415 infraction of Disturbing the Peace

Misdemeanor Speed Contest

Verdict: Reduced to a loud exhaust infraction

Misdemeanor Speed Contest

Verdict: Reduced to infraction

Rancho Cucamonga Public Intoxication

Verdict: Case dismissed

Reckless Driving

Verdict: Reduced to loud exhaust infraction, no points on

Reckless Driving and Driving on a suspended License with a violation of probation for reckless driving and evading

Verdict: All misdemeanor charges dismissed Answered ready for trial. All misdemeanor charges dismissed. No violation of probation. Entered plea to infraction.

San Bernardino 1st offense

Verdict: Wet and Reckless Plea Client was a nurse who faced a suspension by the board, .120/.121 PAS, .11 Blood, dispatch to collision – entered plea to wet reckless.

San Bernardino CHP case

Verdict: DUI Dismissed San Bernardino CHP case, radar at 85 mph, PAS results of .095% and .097%, blood results of .07%, administrative set aside through DMV, DUI Dismissed. Entered plea to infraction vc 22350 with $490 total fine. Travels between Canada and US with dual residency – saved any potential issues with crossing the border.

Second Offense DUI

Verdict: Reduced to Wet Reckless, no jail time

Second Offense DUI

Verdict: Dismissed

Second Offense DUI with .17% BAC

Verdict: Case dismissed

Sexual Battery

Verdict: Verdict: Not Guilty on All Charges

Third Offense DUI with .13% BAC

Verdict: No jail time

Third Offense DUI with Enhancements

Verdict: Reduced to Wet Reckless with no jail time

Under 21 DUI

Verdict: DUI charges dismissed Yucaipa case, under 21, dispatch to collision with parked car, PAS test .071, Breath results of .07, DUI charges dismissed, entered plea to dry reckless resulting in $1452.00 fine and 3 years informal probation – no subsequent license suspension, no required alcohol program.

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                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:51:28
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:51:28
                    [post_content] => Charge Dismissed

License suspended because of DUI, driving on suspended license charge dismissed, no jail, entered plea to 12500 infraction, no points on driving record.
                    [post_title] => 14601.2 San Bernardino Case
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                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:51:11
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:51:11
                    [post_content] => DUI dismissed

Entered plea to wet reckless, DMV hearing set aside – client did not suffer any license suspension.
                    [post_title] => 1st offense .16/.16 breath
                    [post_excerpt] => 
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                    [ID] => 1328
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:50:47
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:50:47
                    [post_content] => DUI Dismissed

.125% pas, .12/.12 Breath, ran stop sign – DUI Dismissed – entered plea to wet reckless. No additional fine, no requirement of community service, work release or jail time.
                    [post_title] => 1st offense out of Redlands
                    [post_excerpt] => 
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                    [ID] => 1312
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:46:03
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:46:03
                    [post_content] => DUI Dismissed

Client entered plea to exhibition of speed with only a $500 fine
                    [post_title] => 2nd DUI accident with a BAC of .22 and a violation of probation
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
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                    [post_name] => 2nd-dui-accident-with-a-bac-of-22-and-a-violation-of-probation
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                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:46:03
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                    [ID] => 1327
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:50:28
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:50:28
                    [post_content] => DUI Dismissed

Client entered plea to exhibition of speed with only a $500 fine
                    [post_title] => 2nd DUI accident with a BAC of .22 and a violation of probation
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
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                    [ID] => 1326
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:50:06
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:50:06
                    [post_content] => Reduced to 1st Offense

Stopped for weaving – prior out of Napa from 2011, .203/.203 pas, .23 blood, entered plea to 1 st offense with normal DUI terms. No work release, no jail time, no community service.
                    [post_title] => 2nd offense out of San Bernardino
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => 2nd-offense-out-of-san-bernardino
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                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:50:06
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                    [ID] => 1325
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:49:48
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:49:48
                    [post_content] => Rancho Cucamonga case with collision, .20 blood – entered plea to 1st offense with no jail time, no work release and no community service.
                    [post_title] => 2nd offense Rancho Cucamonga DUI
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
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                    [post_name] => 2nd-offense-rancho-cucamonga-dui
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                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:49:48
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                    [ID] => 1324
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:49:28
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:49:28
                    [post_content] => Probation

2nd offense case with separate 14601 case, 14601 case completely dismissed, no jail time, admit and reinstate on prior, base fine for a 1 st offense, 3 years of informal probation.
                    [post_title] => 2nd offense San Bernardino case
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
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                    [post_name] => 2nd-offense-san-bernardino-case
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                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:49:28
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            [8] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1323
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:49:02
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:49:02
                    [post_content] => Case dismissed
                    [post_title] => Big Bear Drunk in Public
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => big-bear-drunk-in-public
                    [to_ping] => 
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                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:49:02
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:49:02
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            [9] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1322
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:48:29
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:48:29
                    [post_content] => Entered Plea to Wet and Reckless

Client in nursing school – speeding and weaving – .118/.104 PAS, .11 Blood – entered plea to wet reckless.
                    [post_title] => Chino 1st Offense
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => chino-1st-offense
                    [to_ping] => 
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                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:48:29
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:48:29
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            [10] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1310
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:45:39
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:45:39
                    [post_content] => School bus driver, charged Health and Safety Code Section 11550, with mandatory 90 days jail, for an accident with kids on school bus, tested positive for methamphetamine, oxycodone and marijuana; jury trial with the result of a hung jury
                    [post_title] => Driving Under the Influence of Drugs and Child Endangerment
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => driving-under-the-influence-of-drugs-and-child-endangerment
                    [to_ping] => 
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                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:45:39
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:45:39
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
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            [11] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1320
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:48:10
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:48:10
                    [post_content] => Community Service

Drunk in public and petty theft case out of Big Bear – case dismissed after completion of 60 hours of community service. Client is in process of acquiring EMT license and a conviction would have severely crippled his career path.
                    [post_title] => Drunk in Public
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => drunk-in-public
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:48:10
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:48:10
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
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            [12] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1309
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:45:09
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:45:09
                    [post_content] => Reduced to Reckless Driving
                    [post_title] => DUI
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => dui
                    [to_ping] => 
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                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:45:09
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:45:09
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                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1309
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            [13] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1319
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:47:48
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:47:48
                    [post_content] => Case reduced to Wet Reckless

Lake Arrowhead, Contractor, .16/.15 Breath – No Front Plate/Expired Tags – Case reduced to Wet Reckless, No license suspension from conviction, no jail time, no community service, no work release. DUI Conviction would have resulted in potential loss of contractor’s license.
                    [post_title] => DUI
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => dui-2
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:47:48
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:47:48
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1319
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [14] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1308
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:44:46
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:44:46
                    [post_content] => DUI charges dismissed, Pled guilty to speeding
                    [post_title] => DUI client with a BAC of .19
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => dui-client-with-a-bac-of-19
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:44:46
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:44:46
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
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                    [menu_order] => 0
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                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [15] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1306
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:44:18
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:44:18
                    [post_content] => DUI Dismissed

Client entered plea to reduced charge of reckless driving
                    [post_title] => DUI Client with a BAC of .24
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => dui-client-with-a-bac-of-24
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:44:26
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:44:26
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1306
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [16] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1305
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:43:58
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:43:58
                    [post_content] => DUI charges Dismissed

Not guilty on B count. DMV hearing overturned. Client entered plea to speeding infraction
                    [post_title] => DUI client with BAC of .10
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => dui-client-with-bac-of-10
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:43:58
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:43:58
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                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [17] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1304
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:43:35
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:43:35
                    [post_content] => Not-guilty verdict at jury trial
                    [post_title] => First Offense DUI
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => first-offense-dui
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:43:35
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:43:35
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
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                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [18] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1302
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:41:46
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:41:46
                    [post_content] => Reduced to Wet Reckless, no jail time, low fine
                    [post_title] => First Offense DUI with .13% BAC
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => first-offense-dui-with-13-bac
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:41:46
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:41:46
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
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                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [19] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1301
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:41:23
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:41:23
                    [post_content] => Won DMV hearing
                    [post_title] => First Offense DUI with .15% BAC
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => first-offense-dui-with-15-bac
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:41:23
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:41:23
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1301
                    [menu_order] => 0
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                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [20] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1299
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:41:04
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:41:04
                    [post_content] => Won DMV hearing, license reinstated and no suspension
                    [post_title] => First Offense DUI with .17% BAC
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => first-offense-dui-with-17-bac
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:41:04
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:41:04
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
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                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [21] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1298
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:40:34
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:40:34
                    [post_content] => Reduced to Drunk in Public, no jail time , no fine
                    [post_title] => First Offense DUI with .18% BAC
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => first-offense-dui-with-18-bac
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:40:34
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:40:34
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
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                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
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                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [22] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1296
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:40:08
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:40:08
                    [post_content] => Reduced to Drunk in Public
                    [post_title] => First Offense DUI with .23% BAC
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => first-offense-dui-with-23-bac
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:40:08
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:40:08
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1296
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [23] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1295
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:39:46
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:39:46
                    [post_content] => Kept it to a misdemeanor with alternative sentencing
                    [post_title] => Fourth Offense DUI
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => fourth-offense-dui
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:39:46
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:39:46
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1295
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [24] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1294
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:39:23
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:39:23
                    [post_content] => Reduced to PC 415 infraction of Disturbing the Peace
                    [post_title] => Misdemeanor Hit and Run & Battery
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => misdemeanor-hit-and-run-battery
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:39:23
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:39:23
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1294
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [25] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1287
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:38:36
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:38:36
                    [post_content] => Reduced to a loud exhaust infraction
                    [post_title] => Misdemeanor Speed Contest
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => misdemeanor-speed-contest
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:38:36
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:38:36
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1287
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [26] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1293
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:38:56
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:38:56
                    [post_content] => Reduced to infraction
                    [post_title] => Misdemeanor Speed Contest
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => misdemeanor-speed-contest-2
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:38:56
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:38:56
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1293
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [27] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1317
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:47:28
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:47:28
                    [post_content] => Case dismissed
                    [post_title] => Rancho Cucamonga Public Intoxication
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => rancho-cucamonga-public-intoxication
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:47:28
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:47:28
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1317
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [28] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1286
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:31:22
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:31:22
                    [post_content] => Reduced to loud exhaust infraction, no points on
                    [post_title] => Reckless Driving
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => reckless-driving
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:31:22
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:31:22
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1286
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [29] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1285
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:30:59
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:30:59
                    [post_content] => All misdemeanor charges dismissed

Answered ready for trial. All misdemeanor charges dismissed. No violation of probation. Entered plea to infraction.
                    [post_title] => Reckless Driving and Driving on a suspended License with a violation of probation for reckless driving and evading
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => reckless-driving-and-driving-on-a-suspended-license-with-a-violation-of-probation-for-reckless-driving-and-evading
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:30:59
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:30:59
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1285
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [30] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1316
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:47:11
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:47:11
                    [post_content] => Wet and Reckless Plea

Client was a nurse who faced a suspension by the board, .120/.121 PAS, .11 Blood, dispatch to collision – entered plea to wet reckless.
                    [post_title] => San Bernardino 1st offense
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => san-bernardino-1st-offense
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:47:11
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:47:11
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1316
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [31] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1315
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:46:54
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:46:54
                    [post_content] => DUI Dismissed

San Bernardino CHP case, radar at 85 mph, PAS results of .095% and .097%, blood results of .07%, administrative set aside through DMV, DUI Dismissed. Entered plea to infraction vc 22350 with $490 total fine. Travels between Canada and US with dual residency – saved any potential issues with crossing the border.
                    [post_title] => San Bernardino CHP case
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => san-bernardino-chp-case
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:46:54
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:46:54
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1315
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [32] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1282
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:30:18
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:30:18
                    [post_content] => Reduced to Wet Reckless, no jail time
                    [post_title] => Second Offense DUI
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => second-offense-dui
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:30:18
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:30:18
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1282
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [33] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1284
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:30:33
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:30:33
                    [post_content] => Dismissed
                    [post_title] => Second Offense DUI
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => second-offense-dui-2
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:30:33
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:30:33
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1284
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [34] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1281
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:29:56
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:29:56
                    [post_content] => Case dismissed
                    [post_title] => Second Offense DUI with .17% BAC
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => second-offense-dui-with-17-bac
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:29:56
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:29:56
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1281
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [35] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 2010
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2021-10-27 17:21:09
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2021-10-27 17:21:09
                    [post_content] => Verdict: Not Guilty on All Charges
                    [post_title] => Sexual Battery
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => sexual-battery
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2021-10-27 17:21:09
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2021-10-27 17:21:09
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=2010
                    [menu_order] => 0
                    [post_type] => victories
                    [post_mime_type] => 
                    [comment_count] => 0
                    [filter] => raw

            [36] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1280
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:29:37
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:29:37
                    [post_content] => No jail time
                    [post_title] => Third Offense DUI with .13% BAC
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
                    [comment_status] => closed
                    [ping_status] => closed
                    [post_password] => 
                    [post_name] => third-offense-dui-with-13-bac
                    [to_ping] => 
                    [pinged] => 
                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:29:37
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:29:37
                    [post_content_filtered] => 
                    [post_parent] => 0
                    [guid] => https://fast-glove.flywheelsites.com/?post_type=victories&p=1280
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            [37] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1279
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:29:04
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:29:04
                    [post_content] => Reduced to Wet Reckless with no jail time
                    [post_title] => Third Offense DUI with Enhancements
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
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                    [post_name] => third-offense-dui-with-enhancements
                    [to_ping] => 
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                    [post_modified] => 2020-08-31 13:29:14
                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:29:14
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            [38] => WP_Post Object
                    [ID] => 1313
                    [post_author] => 7
                    [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:46:29
                    [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:46:29
                    [post_content] => DUI charges dismissed

Yucaipa case, under 21, dispatch to collision with parked car, PAS test .071, Breath results of .07, DUI charges dismissed, entered plea to dry reckless resulting in $1452.00 fine and 3 years informal probation – no subsequent license suspension, no required alcohol program.
                    [post_title] => Under 21 DUI
                    [post_excerpt] => 
                    [post_status] => publish
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                    [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:46:29
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            [ID] => 1330
            [post_author] => 7
            [post_date] => 2020-08-31 13:51:28
            [post_date_gmt] => 2020-08-31 13:51:28
            [post_content] => Charge Dismissed

License suspended because of DUI, driving on suspended license charge dismissed, no jail, entered plea to 12500 infraction, no points on driving record.
            [post_title] => 14601.2 San Bernardino Case
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