Being charged with a theft crime can have long-lasting, serious consequences. A conviction can affect both your personal and professional life and tarnish your reputation for years to come. If you are facing charges such as these, you should seek the assistance of an experienced Tustin theft lawyer. Retaining a skilled criminal defense attorney who knows precisely how these offenses are handled by local law enforcement and prosecutors could be extremely beneficial to your case.
Scott D. Henry and his legal team have handled numerous cases involving misdemeanor and felony theft charges. We fully understand what is at stake for those facing these charges and we could fight tirelessly to protect your rights.
Common Types of Theft Crimes
Crimes of stealing are a priority for law enforcement and prosecutors. Whether you are facing misdemeanor or felony charges, it is a serious situation. All theft convictions are strictly punished in courts, so you need a skilled attorney to aggressively defend you. Some common types of theft offenses include:
- Burglary – entering a structure with the intent to commit a crime.
- Grand Theft – taking another’s property valued over $950.
- Identity Theft – taking another’s personal identifying information for financial gain.
- Petty Theft – taking another’s property valued under $950.
- Robbery – unlawfully taking property from a person or place using force or a threat of force.
- Shoplifting – entering a commercial establishment during normal business hours and taking property valued under $950.
- Grand Theft Auto – unlawfully taking a vehicle valued over $950.
Potential Defenses to Theft Charges in Tustin
A theft attorney’s defense strategy typically depends on the specific circumstances of a case. Though, some common defenses may result in lesser charges or possibly dropped charges. Potential defenses include, but are not limited to:
Lack of Intent – Intent is a key part of these crimes. One of the most common defenses is that there was no intent to steal. If someone took another person’s property but did not intend to, an attorney could use lack of intent as a defense.
Consent – If someone had, or was believed to have, consent to take the property, a legal representative could use a consent defense to show that the defendant was not guilty.
Claim of right – If the property belonged to the defendant, or they believed it belonged to them, then an attorney could provide evidence to show this fact, proving that the alleged act was not stealing.
Falsely Accused – If an attorney could show that the defendant was falsely accused, then the charges against them could be dismissed.
A skilled defense lawyer in the area could thoroughly investigate a theft case’s specifics and implement the most effective strategy for the case.
Speak with a Tustin Theft Attorney
When facing these charges, you should have an attorney who understands all that is at stake. Our Tustin theft lawyers understand exactly what is at stake, so we could fight with determination to defend your rights, dignity, and freedom. Scott D. Henry and his team know that every case is unique. Therefore, we thoroughly investigate the charges and the facts of each case we handle. Based on this investigation, we may then be able to determine the best possible course of action.
Time is of the essence. Please contact our office today for a free consultation. We could discuss your case’s specifics, fully explain the charges, and advise you of your rights. Our legal team is here to help you through this frightening and challenging experience.