When it Comes to Your Freedom,
You Can't Afford to Gamble


As a commercial or private airline pilot, you face a unique set of consequences following an arrest for driving under the influence. You can face state and federal licensing issues. The Federal Aviation Administration governs pilots on a federal level. There are a number of things that you must take into consideration following an arrest, including questions such as:

  • Will my pilot’s license be affected by a criminal conviction?
  • What are the reporting requirements following an arrest?
  • How can I mitigate the effects of a criminal conviction?

The Law Offices of Scott Henry can help you understand the charges against you and fight to defend your rights. If you are arrested for a DUI in the Inland Empire, The Law Offices of Scott Henry can assist you in finding an addiction specialist who will evaluate you and provide a determination to any addiction problems.

A conviction for a Southern California DUI could result in the denial of an application, professional license suspension, or even revocation of your pilot’s license. If you refuse to submit to a chemical test, you could face additional penalties as well. No matter what the circumstances of your drunk driving case, you need to consult with a qualified DUI defense lawyer who will work hard to get you the best possible outcome for your case.


The FAA requires that commercial pilots report a conviction for a DUI on their medical application renewal and to the Civil Security Division in Oklahoma City. A pilot must make the report within 60 days of the suspension. Mandatory reporting requirements are strict, and failure to comply can result in the suspension or revocation of your license or certificates. Call today for a free, initial case consultation.

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