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Understanding Gun Crime Laws: When Firearm Possession Becomes a Felony

What is Considered a Firearm in California? Many laws in the State of California address prohibited firearms, including: Carrying firearm Disguised firearms Storage, sale, manufacture, lease, and transfers Special rules relating to particular people Special rules relating to specific firearm types A firearm is considered any of the following: Any weapon, including a starter gun, […]

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Defense Strategies for Individuals Accused of Burglary with No Prior Record

How Does California Law Define Burglary? Under California Penal Code Section 459, burglary is an unlawful entry into a residence or other building intending to commit petit, grand larceny, or any other felony offense. In California, there are two types of burglary: first-degree and second-degree. First-degree burglary occurs when a criminal defendant is accused of

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Techniques for Counteracting Evidence in Arson Investigations

How Does California Law Define the Criminal Act of Arson? In California, arson is the deliberate, careless, or malicious burning of any building, plot of land, or other property. An offense may be considered arson regardless of whether the property was someone else’s or your personal property, which was burnt to harm another individual or

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Unique Defense Strategies for DUI Cases Involving Prescription Medication

How Do California DUI Laws Relate to Prescription Medications? DUIs are a serious legal matter, regardless of whether the accused is charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescription drugs. If you’ve been charged with a DUI in Orange County, CA, you need to take these charges very seriously and retain

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How Can You Challenge Evidence in an Assault Case?

How is Assault Defined in California? Under California law, assault is the unlawful attempt, coupled with present ability, to commit or threaten violent injury against another person. Even the threat of physical injury is enough to be considered assault. Examples of assault crimes include criminal threats, domestic violence, sexual assault, aggravated assault, and assaulting a

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How Can You Fight a DUI Charge Based on a Faulty Breathalyzer Test?

The Role of Breathalyzer Errors in a DUI Defense Case Thousands of drivers are arrested for DUI in California and Orange County every year, and about 70 percent of those cases, on average, result in a conviction. Breathalyzer test results play a key role in the prosecution’s argument for most of these cases, but these

How Can You Fight a DUI Charge Based on a Faulty Breathalyzer Test? Read More »

Assessing Self-Defense Claims in Assault Cases

How is Assault Defined in California? Under the California Penal Code, assault is an illegal attempt to commit a violent injury to another person. It is coupled with an apparent ability to commit the crime and doesn’t necessarily need physical contact to qualify as assault. Orange County criminal defense attorneys add that assault involves the

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What Legal Options Are Available for First-Time DUI Offenders in Orange County?

Potential Defenses, Consequences, and Alternative Sentencing for a First-Time DUI Offense in California Facing a first-offense DUI charge can be stressful and scary. You may not know how the court process for DUI charges works or what to expect when it comes to sentencing should you be convicted. Working with an experienced DUI attorney can

What Legal Options Are Available for First-Time DUI Offenders in Orange County? Read More »

How Does California Law Treat Cases of Assault with a Deadly Weapon?

What is Assault With a Deadly Weapon? Under the California Penal Code, assault with a deadly weapon happens when someone assaults another person using a weapon that can cause significant bodily injury or death. The weapon could be anything else other than a firearm. This type of assault also happens when a person attacks another

How Does California Law Treat Cases of Assault with a Deadly Weapon? Read More »

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