As a DUI offender in West Los Angeles, you will be required to enroll and complete a DUI program, regardless if this is your first time DUI offense or if you are considered a multiple DUI offender. Failure to enroll and complete a DUI program will result in you being in violation of probation and will require that you pay additional fines as a consequence. Speak with a CA DUI Lawyer at 888-844-4384 to learn more about DUI schools.
DUI School Program(s)DUI School
  • First DUI Offender
  • 18 Month
  • 30 Month
AM/PM Convenient West Los Angeles School
Driver Safety Schools, Inc.
2511 South Barrington Avenue 2nd Floor, Suite 200
West Los Angeles, CA 90064
(310) 479-8353
(310) 575-0500
Our Locations
Attorney Scott Henry: Criminal & DUI Defense