Our California DUI Defense Law Firm has put out the following press release proving tips on how to have a safe and DUI-free Fourth of July Weekend. If you are arrested during this holiday weekend or at any point in time, contact our CA DUI Lawyers as soon as possible.

Tips on Avoiding a Drunk Driving Charge

While we often celebrate the Fourth of July holiday with fireworks, food, and friends, it is really about celebrating our country’s independence. Yet, every year, hundreds of drivers put their freedom at risk by choosing to drink and drive. In fact, the Fourth of July weekend is the deadliest holiday for alcohol-related crashes.

To keep our roads safe, California law enforcement will be stepping up their efforts to arrest impaired drivers. You can expect that police will be conductingsobriety checkpoints, saturation patrols, and other enforcement activities on roadways throughout Orange County.

Take it from an experienced Orange County DUI attorney: a drunk driving arrest is simply not worth the risk. As attorney Thomas Wallin explains, “While you may not realize just how dangerous it is to drink and drive, the emotional distress and financial costs of a crash or an Orange County DUI arrest can still be significant. DUI offenders will face jail time, the suspension of their driver’s license, higher insurance rates, and dozens of other unanticipated expenses.”

Before you head out to celebrate this holiday weekend, please read the following tips for avoiding an Orange County DUI:

  • Call a taxi or designate a sober driver. It’s that simple. If everyone followed this advice, we wouldn’t need to provide the additional tips.
  • Be informed. You can find information about California DUI checkpoints on Facebook or, for specific information for Orange County, the Orange County DUI Checkpoints website.
  • Stay calm. Clearly, this is easier said than done. An Orange County DUI checkpoint or DUI stop is nerve-wracking. To avoid the appearance of fumbling for your license and registration, it is important to make sure they are easily accessible.
  • Be polite. Roll the window down and place your hands on the wheel until the officer gets to your window. Wait until asked to reach for your documents.
  • Don’t volunteer information. Resist the urge to talk your way out an arrest. This almost always does more harm than good. If the officer suspects that you have been drinking, he or she will often ask, “How much have you had to drink?” It is important to realize that you are under no obligation to volunteer this information. Simply return the question with one of your own. You might ask why he or she is asking you this question or if the officer would like to see your documents. If the officer asks again and you think you may be over the legal limit, it is best to invoke your right to speak with an attorney before answering any further questions.
  • Say no to field sobriety tests. If the police officer asks you to step out of the vehicle, you must comply. However, you do not have to perform any field sobriety tests such as walking on a line or touching your nose with both hands. If you think the tests may give the officer any reason to suspect you are impaired, politely decline to perform them.
  • Delay the breath test. You should also refuse the Preliminary Alcohol Screening (PAS) Test. The PAS test is similar to a breathalyzer and is used in the field prior to arrest. Unless you are under 21, there is no penalty for refusing the PAS Test. This is not to be confused with a chemical breath test or blood test, which is administered after arrest and is required by law.
  • If you’re arrested, submit to a breath test. At the police station, you will again be asked to submit to chemical testing. Under California’s implied consent law, you must submit to a breath or blood test. Failure to do so after you are arrested for an Orange County DUI will result in harsher penalties such as jail time and loss of your driver’s license for up to one year or more.

Finally, if you find yourself arrested for an Orange County DUI this Fourth of July weekend, it is imperative to contact an experienced Orange County DUI defense attorney as soon as possible. The Law Offices of Thomas Wallin are devoted to defending motorists who have been charged with an Orange County DUI, but don’t say they didn’t warn you.

About Thomas Wallin: Thomas Wallin is a respected authority on DUI laws in California and author of the California DUI Guide. For over a decade, he has provided aggressive and professional representation to those accused of DUI in California. Mr. Wallin has knowledge and experience in all aspects of a California DUI case, including sobriety checkpoints. Information about Orange County DUI checkpoints can be found on his website, OC DUI Checkpoints.

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