A Riverside County Sherriff’s Deputy is accused of making a threat when he was arrested for suspicion of drunk driving, news sources said. The 36-year-old, off-duty officer was pulled over earlier this month in Winchester on Highway 79 when law enforcement officers saw him driving over the speed limit. The CHP officer failed standardized field sobriety testing and was arrested for DUI. During the arrested process, the off-duty officer allegedly damaged the patrol car and threatened the arresting officer with great bodily harm. Law enforcement released the suspect after he posted a $5,000 bond. A Wednesday report indicated that the man was on administrative leave from his position at the sheriff’s department. Attorney Thomas Wallin knows that DUI cases can be complicated. If you were arrested for drunk driving, contact Attorney Wallin today. With the right defense on your side, you can have peace of mind that your DUI case is in good hands.