Out Of State Prior DUI For California

Arrested in California for DUI and wondering if your out of state prior DUI will show up?

Practicing DUI defense in southern California for the last 15 years, our firm has come across this question on a regular basis. The short answer is it depends…. It depends on the County you were arrested in. Orange County, California typically does a good job with reviewing someones prior record and finding the prior DUI. Riverside County and San Bernardino County seem to miss out of state priors much more often (which is good for you if you are reading this and got your DUI out of Riverside or San Bernardino Counties).

Los Angeles is also a hit or miss on catching out of state prior DUI’s. Los Angeles County has so many courts and each court seems to run differently. Depending on the court they may not have the time to do a full background check and miss the prior.

Even when the prosecutor files the charges including the out of state prior we can often challenge those out of state priors and have them struck down. Having a top DUI lawyer on your side to challenge out of state priors can do wonders for your case. We are here to help! Please give our DUI defense law firm a call so we can start the process of protecting your rights and clearing your name.

What happens when they miss the prior DUI Out of state? That’s in our next blog topic!

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Attorney Scott Henry: Criminal & DUI Defense