“Know Your Limit” Campaign Puts Breathalyzers In Bars

This summer Sacramento Police Department is rolling out a new initiative called “Know your Limit.” As KCRA News reports, Sacramento PD will now have uniformed officers at local bars with breathalyzers in hand. Officers offer breath tests to patrons as they enjoy their evening drinks. The program hopes to educate the public on their blood alcohol level.

Sacramento PD has stated that this will not be a “test and arrest” situation, but rather a way for the public to stay informed and make smart choices when confronted with breathalyzer results. Officers provide information on safe alternatives to getting home such as Uber, Lyft and local taxicab numbers. The must-watch video shows a number of willing participants over the Memorial Day weekend. Be sure to watch the entire clip as a bicyclist crashes right behind the reporter.

Response to the program has run the gambit. Some are appalled at the notion of officers entering bars and asking patrons to blow, while others find the idea innovative and fun.

What do you think of this new program? Has DUI enforcement gone too far? Would you submit to a breathalyzer voluntarily? Will this curb drunk driving? Is this program too invasive? Does it provide a public service? Leave your thoughts and opinions on this hot button issue.

Being arrested for driving under the influence can affect your entire life. Let the Law Offices of Thomas Wallin and Scott Henry fight for your rights. Do not wait until it is too late. You only have 10 calendar days from the date of arrest to contact the California DMV and place a stay on the automatic suspension of your license. Let our team of knowledgeable DUI Defense Attorneys help you understand your rights and fight hard to get you the results you deserve. Do not let a blood alcohol level over the legal limit stop you from fighting the charges. There are a number of defenses in all drunk driving cases. Call our team today for a free initial case consultation at (888) 900-0591.

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