Have You Been Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence?

man with hands to his face looking sad

Our society takes domestic violence very seriously. This means that a mere accusation of domestic abuse carries immediate consequences, even if the accusation is false. If you have been falsely accused of domestic violence, our team could help you dispute the charges and clear your name. The following are some steps you can take to protect yourself and prove your innocence.

Hire an Attorney

If you have been accused of or charged with domestic abuse, you will need a knowledgeable attorney on your side. Your legal counsel could explain what to do and what not to do throughout the entire process to ensure the best chances at receiving a positive outcome. Our attorneys could also closely examine the details of the accusation against you to prove your accuser’s claims are false.

Remain Silent

It is not uncommon for an individual who has been falsely accused of a crime to attempt to prove their innocence. However, it is best to remain silent, whether you are being questioned by police or speaking with friends, family, and colleagues. Your words may be misunderstood, or you may misspeak, giving your accuser evidence against you.

Be a Good Parent

It is essential to be an attentive and responsible parent during this time, especially if you have children with your accuser. An allegation of domestic abuse could immediately affect your parental rights, so it is important to exhibit you have a caring and healthy relationship with your children.

Look for Possible Motives for the False Accusation

Many times, false accusations are made in retaliation for an affair or an unwanted separation. The accusation may also stem from a child custody battle, a divorce, or it may simply be out of anger or resentment on the part of your accuser.

Abide by the Terms of Your Restraining Order

If your accuser has filed for a restraining order against you, you must abide by the terms of the order to show you are not a threat. It is important to remember that an accuser may attempt to trick you into breaching the terms of your restraining order, which could result in further legal consequences. Therefore, you should document any attempts by your accuser to contact or meet with you.

Additionally, you should gather any and all evidence that may prove the domestic violence accusation is false. This may include voicemails, text messages, and emails, as well as social media posts.

Stay Calm and Focused

Being falsely accused of household violence can be stressful and frustrating. However, it is still essential to remain calm, especially during court proceedings. The prosecution may bait you into having an outburst, making it more challenging for you and your attorney to prove your innocence.

Remember that you are in the right, and your accuser has broken the law. Focus on proving your innocence and support both your attorney and the legal system in doing their jobs.

Stick to Your Defense

If you have been falsely accused of domestic violence, make sure you do not change your side of the story or give contradicting accounts of the alleged incident. You must stand by your initial statement and follow advice from your attorney.

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Attorney Scott Henry: Criminal & DUI Defense