DUI Checkpoint Video Goes Viral

21-year-old college student, Chris Kalbaugh, taped his July 4, 2013 encounter at a Tennessee DUI Checkpoint. The results have gone viral with over 5 million views. With a range of public opinion, the video sparks a great debate about the legitimacy and tactics of DUI Checkpoints throughout the country. The Tennessee Highway Patrol released a dashcam of the incident shortly after Kalbaugh’s made its Internet debut. The Tennessee Highway Patrol has said that they stand by the officer’s actions and has asked for Kalbaugh to release the full-unedited version of the video.

What do you think? Did this officer go too far? Was the student asking for trouble by not complying with the officer’s demands? Should DUI Checkpoints be legal or are they a violation of your rights? Let us know what you think of this video and DUI Checkpoints in general.


DUI Checkpoints are legal in California. If you have to go through one, it is best to be compliant with officers while knowing and exercising your rights. Being argumentative or abrasive can lead to more trouble and bigger obstacles for you particularly if you have been drinking. Knowing your rights is the key to staying within the law. Call our leading California DUI Defense Attorneys today to find out more about your rights at a DUI Checkpoint. If you or someone you know has been arrested for driving under the influence in California you need a trustworthy, dedicated lawyer to assist you with all aspects of your case. Act now to save your license and your freedom.

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